2023 GCSAA Compensation and Benefits Report

Availability: In stock (75)

The 2023 GCSAA Compensation and Benefits Report offers the latest industry information regarding the salaries and other benefits for superintendents, assistant superintendents, and/or equipment managers.  This information can be used as a starting point for salary negotiations with an employer or to view where a current salary might compare amongst peers.

Individuals who participated in the compensation and benefit survey have been granted access to the report electronically via the gcsaa.org website.  If you participated in the survey and wish to have a hard copy version of the report sent to you, then you will need to make a purchase on the GCSAA Store site.  Survey participants who have questions about how to access their electronic copy of the report should contact GCSAA at 800.472.7878 or [email protected].

NOTE:  To help properly set expectations for your order, please review the following information very carefully before purchasing the 2023 GCSAA Compensation and Benefits Report. Failure to communicate back to GCSAA on any required follow-up items within 3 business days could result in cancellation of an order.

  • Access to electronic reporting and/or shipment of hard copy reports will not be completed until GCSAA membership and survey participation status has been verified and payment (in full) has been received.
  • Selecting the improper membership status (member vs. non-member) could result in a delay with delivery of the requested report.
  • Similarly, selecting the improper survey participation status (participant vs. non-participant) could also result in a delay with delivery of the requested report.
  • GCSAA members should enter in their membership number in the required field.  Non-members can enter "not applicable" (or something to that effect) to proceed.
  • Access to electronic reporting will be confirmed via email along with specific instructions on how to access the report.
  • During checkout, you are required to select a shipping option. 
  • If you are only purchasing an electronic/digital copy of this report, please select the electronic delivery shipping option.
  • If you are purchasing ANY product that must be shipped, including the hard copy version of the 2023 GCSAA Compensation and Benefits Report, you MUST select one of the fee-based shipping options (domestic, international, rush delivery).
  • Failure to select the proper shipping option for the product(s) you are purchasing could result in a delay with the delivery of your order.

Again, failure to communicate back to GCSAA on any required follow-up items within 3 business days could result in cancellation of an order. 

If you have any questions or concerns about placing an order for the 2023 GCSAA Compensation and Benefits Report, or any other items, please feel free to contact us at 800.472.7878 or [email protected].

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